American Diabetes Association Northern Illinois Youth Ambassador Blog. A weekly discussion covering topics such as the progress of diabetes research, tips about diabetes management, and information about American Diabetes Association events. Please Note: Personal information provided on this blog is not necessarily representative of the American Diabetes Association. The American Diabetes Association does not assume any responsibility for personal content and comments.
Friday, March 21, 2014
Tour De Cure: Signing up and getting started
I found out that last week, a boy in my grade was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. At first, I felt devastated since it was proof that people are diagnosed with diabetes every day. At the same time, I felt even more motivated to help fund raise for diabetes research. I signed up for the Tour de Cure and I am very excited to participate in this wonderful event. The closest event to me is in Aurora, IL on June 8th but there are other locations in Illinois. There are 10 mile, 20 mile, 35 mile, 65 mile, and 100 mile routes so there is a route for everyone. Signing up for the ride is very simple, it took me about five minutes. Just sign up on and start fundraising. I signed up because I want to stop people from hearing the words, "You have type 1 diabetes." Are you ready to help diabetes research progress?